Admin Guide - Parent Rollup Beacon Logic

    When the project task status and % complete are updated, a trigger in Inspire Planner then updates the status and % of the Parent Task without a user needing to open the project Gantt.


    This help article will walk you through the necessary configurations to support the synchronous rollup of Status and % Complete to Parent Tasks. You only need to complete the steps in this article if you are using custom permission sets.


    Please note the following:

    • If you have custom flows that are designed to update parent tasks, you can disable the Parent Task Rollup Job. Please see Admin Guide - Disable Parent Task Rollup Job.
    • You must be a Salesforce System Administrator to complete the steps below.


    Enable Access to Fields and Classes

    The following Inspire Planner permission sets already include access to new fields and classes used by this feature:

    • Inspire Planner Standard User - v1.12 Permission Set
    • Inspire Planner - Agile Project Management


    However, if you have custom permission sets, you will need to edit them and grant access to the fields and classes used by this feature.


    1. In Setup, enter "Permission Sets" in the Quick Find Box and click on Permission Sets.

    2. Click on your custom permission set. The image below is an example.

    3. Go to Object Settings.

    4. Click on Project Tasks.

    5. Click on Edit.

    6. Enable Read Access and Write Access for the following fields:


      Then, click on Save.

    7. Next, within the same permission set, go to Apex Class Access.

    8. Click on Edit.

    9. Add the following apex classes:


      Then click on Save.




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