Inspire Planner Projects - Agile

    Agile project management is an iterative approach to delivering a project throughout its life cycle. Agile project methodology breaks projects into small pieces. These project pieces are completed in work sessions that are often called Sprints. Sprints generally run from a few days to a few weeks.


    Unlike the traditional, waterfall project methodology that follows a linear, sequential approach, the main advantage of Agile is that takes a flexible approach, letting teams adjust as they go. Typical examples of where Agile project methodologies are commonly used are in software/product development or onboarding processes/activities.


    Differences between Waterfall and Agile




    • Iterative Phase
    • Linear Phases
    • Scope and approach does not have to be defined before starting
    • Well-defined before starting
    • Schedule updates based on feedback from each increment (Sprint)
    • Schedule is set based on defined scope
    • Offer greater flexibility but also produces less predictable results due to uncertainty and unclear nature of many project characteristics
    • Less flexible but particularly efficient for well-defined projects
    • More task-driven
    • More schedule-driven
    • Timelines are not always sequential
    • Has a more sequential nature and relies on pre-planning








    Inspire Planner allows you to manage Agile projects. To enable this feature, please see Agile Projects - Admin Guide.












    Agile Projects

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