Creating Checklist Items for Project Tasks

    The Checklist Feature in Inspire Planner allows you to create checklist items that need to be completed as part of a Project Task. When creating checklist items, you can specify whether it is required or not. All required checklist items must be marked "done" before you can set the task status to "complete".


    This help article will walk you through how to create checklist items and how to mark them as complete. 


    Please note the following:

    • If you have custom permission sets, you will need to grant access to the Checklist Items Object.
    • If you have a custom Salesforce Task Lightning Record Page, you will need to add the Inspire Checklist component on the page.
    • For full configuration instructions, please see Enable Checklist Feature.


    Add Checklist Icon to Project Schedule

    This section will walk you through how to add the checklist icon in the Project Schedule.

    When you open a Project, you should see the Checklist Icon to the left of each Project Task.


    If you do not see the checklist icon, simply hover over any of the column headings and click on the dropdown arrow to the right.


    Scroll through the list of fields and select Checklist Items.

    After adding the Checklist Items Icon, we recommend moving it to the left of the Task Subject so that it is easy for users to see and add checklist items. To do so, simply drag the column and drop it to the left of Task Subject.


    Add Checklist Items

    This section will walk you through how to add checklist items to your Project Tasks.


    1. In the Project Schedule, click on the Checklist Icon beside the Project Task.

    2. A window will open onscreen where you can then create your checklist items. Simply double click on the cell under Item Name and type in your checklist item. Pressing the return key on your keyboard will move you to the next row. 

    3. You can indicate if a checklist item is required by setting the checkbox to TRUE.

      Please Note: Required checklist items must first be marked done before the task can be set to completed. 

      Click on Save when you are finished adding all of your checklist items.


    Completing Checklist Items

    This section walks you through how to mark checklist items as complete/done.


    Checklist items are visible via the checklist item icon in the Project Schedule as well as the Checklist tab in Salesforce Tasks when the task is assigned to a resource. If you do not see the Checklist tab in Salesforce Tasks, please see Enable Checklist Feature.


    You can mark checklist items as done either from the Project Schedule or from the Salesforce Task.


    From the Project Schedule

    To mark a checklist item as done from the Project Schedule, simply click on the Checklist Item Icon.



    Set Done to TRUE. This will cross out the checklist item to indicate it's complete and it will also automatically set the completion date to the current date and time.



    You can adjust the completion date and time by double clicking on the cell. Next, click on the calendar icon to the right and make the necessary adjustments. Click on Save when finished.



    From the Salesforce Task


    To mark a checklist item as done from the Salesforce Task, simply click on the Checklist Tab.


    Please Note: If there are multiple resources assigned to a task, they see the same checklist and each can complete the checklist items.


    Hover over the empty space under Done and click on the Edit Icon.



    Set Done to TRUE. This will cross out the checklist item to indicate it's complete and it will also automatically set the completion date to the current date and time.



    You can adjust the completion date and time by hovering over the cell. Click on the edit icon to the right and make the necessary adjustments. 




    Related Article: Adding Custom Fields to Checklist Items


    Project Task ListChecklist Items

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