FEB 2024 - Maintenance 2 - 1.353.4

    See below for what's included with Inspire Planner's Feb 2024 - Maintenance 2 - 1.353.4


    Released To: 
    All Environments: May 27, 2024 at 10 PM EST


    Available In: 
    All Environments: May 28, 2024


    With this maintenance release, Automatic Project Scheduling Mode is now supported in the Gantt Lightning Web Component (Gantt LWC). 


    Item #


    Resolved Issue




    Impact/Action Needed

    IP-477 Project - Salesforce Task View Lightning Component - Currency symbol is incorrect Currency fields in the Salesforce Task View Lightning component now correctly display the appropriate currency symbol according to the viewing user. No action required
    IP-514 Project - Assigned To value disappears if project team record doesn't exist Value in Assigned To cell now correctly displays when manually assigning tasks to resources who do not yet exist as project team members. No action required
    IP-521 Project - Task notification sent even when "Send Task Notification" is FALSE When the "Send Task Notification" setting is FALSE on a project template and the template contains task assignments, when the template is applied to a project during project creation, Task notification emails are no longer being sent. No action required
    IP-529 Project - NullPointer Exception in Dev Console When opening projects, NullPointer Exception error no longer displays in browser Dev Console. No action required
    IP-534 Project - Reassignment from Queue to User should create Project Team When a Task is reassigned from a Queue to a Salesforce user, a project team and collaborator record are now automatically created for the user. No action required
    IP-550 Project - Auto Assignment does not consider task status When auto assigning tasks using Project Teams and Roles, Inspire Planner no longer creates assignments for tasks that are set to "Complete" or "Deferred". No action required
    IP-555 Project - New Project Time zone logic not correct We have reverted the changes made to the timezone logic as part of Feb 2024 (1.353.3) - M1 (see GLWC-288).

    Please see Project Timezone Assignment for more information on timezone assignment logic.
     No action required
    IP-560 Project - Reconcile Rollup Data does not include Actual Effort Reconcile Rollup Data button on the project now includes rollup of Actual Effort. No action required
    IP-566 Project - Time zone assigning incorrectly when dupe ID exists When two different timezone values with the same timezone ID exist, Inspire Planner now correctly retains the timezone selected by the user on project create. No action required
    IP-548 Portfolio LWC - Align Print Function with Gantt LWC The improvements made to the print function in Gantt LWC have been applied to the print function in Portfolio LWC. No action required
    IP-476 Time Tracker - Daily View - Arrows should move from week to week When in the Daily View of the Time Tracker component and in the Time Tracker tab, clicking on the left and right arrows beside the date now moves from week to week instead of day to day. No action required
    IP-520 Stopwatch  - Add Validation Check before Starting When two or more tabs with different Salesforce Tasks are open and user starts the Stopwatch, a warning message now displays if the Stopwatch has already been started for another task. No action required



    Gantt LWC 

    This section contains fixes we've made specific to the Gantt LWC. 


    Item #


    Resolved Issue




    Impact/Action Needed

    GLWC-128 Project - Red change indicator for Total Slack Red change indicator for Total Slack now correctly disappears when project is saved. No action required
    GLWC-271 Project - Collaborator Dialogue - Owner is Editable Permission settings for Project Owner are no longer editable. No action required
    GLWC-295 Project - Field Label Override does not work Gantt LWC now correctly displays field label overrides made in Salesforce Translation Workbench. No action required
    GLWC-302 Project - Task Description/Notes do not carry over to Salesforce Task When Description/Note field is populated while also populating "Assigned To", the value in Description/Note is now correctly being carried over to the related Salesforce Tasks. This is also true for any other field that is populated/edited at the same time as populating "Assigned To". No action required
    GLWC-310 Project - Checklist Item Date/Time Format When a project is converted from Gantt Visualforce to Gantt LWC, the Completion Date/Time format is now maintained. No action required
    GLWC-312 Project -% Complete different for Deferred Tasks When a project is converted from Gantt Visualforce to Gantt LWC, Deferred Tasks now correctly display as 100% complete. No action required
    GLWC-314 Project - sysRecalcStartDate not being reset back to FALSe When recalculation process if complete in Gantt LWC, sysRecalcStartDate is now correctly being reset back to FALSE. No action required
    GLWC-317 Project - Milestone Tasks not considered in % Complete Parent Task % Complete now considers Milestones Tasks. Milestone Tasks account for 1% of the parent task. This means that if all child tasks are complete but one or more milestone tasks are still open, the parent task will display % Complete as 99%. No action required
    GLWC-318 Project - Parent Task Finish Date Difference Parent Task Dates now consider milestone tasks and are correctly updated when child task dates are adjusted. No action required
    GLWC-319 Project - Copy/Paste Task Issues When copying and pasting tasks between projects in Gantt LWC, all checklist items and values in baseline fields are copied correctly. No action required
    GLWC-321 Project - Delete permissions to Checklist Items should not be required Gantt LWC no longer requires delete permissions to Checklist Items for users to be able to mark them complete. No action required
    GLWC-322 Project - Custom fields do not display default value When a custom field is added to the "Inspire Planner Custom Fields" field set in Project Task object so that it displays as a column in the Project Gantt, default values are now correctly displayed. No action required
    GLWC-323 Project - Add Error Handling for Tasks with blank Finish Dates When tasks are missing finish dates, opening the project in Gantt LWC no longer produces an error. No action required
    GLWC-327 Project - Update Constraint Logic in Manual Mode 

    We've updated the constraint logic for Gantt LWC in "Manual" project scheduling mode. 

    • Tasks without predecessors - when shifted to a later date will no longer display a constraint prompt and will instead automatically populate a Start-no-earlier-than constraint
    • Tasks with predecessors - when shifted to a date earlier than its predecessor will display a constraint violation and user will need to choose how to proceed

    For more information, please see Gantt LWC - Project Scheduling Modes - Manual vs. Automatic

     No action required


    Release Notes

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