STEP 3: Gantt LWC - Full Conversion Process

    Once you are ready to move forward with the new Gantt Lightning Web Component (LWC), you will need to perform the following configurations in Inspire Planner to complete the conversion process.


    Review Your Project Templates

    • Project Templates: All existing, active project templates must now be in Gantt LWC and new templates should only be created in Gantt LWC.
    • Global Default Project Setting: The project template you are using for the Global Default Project Setting must now be in Gantt LWC. 


    Perform the Following Updates

    • In the App Launcher, go to Gantt LWC Conversion Toolkit and run Step 2: Auto Assign Constraint Script.

      This script will automatically populate a "Start no earlier than" constraint for all tasks that either have no predecessor or have been manually rescheduled to start later than its predecessor, and where there is no existing constraint. This prevents these tasks from being rescheduled when the Gantt Visualforce project is converted to Gantt LWC.

      Please note:
      You should only run this script once you have completed all manual validation steps as this will execute on all projects and updates will be irreversible.

      You only need to perform this step if you have projects in "Manual" Scheduling Mode. 

    • Convert all Gantt Visualforce Projects: Use Data Loader to update the Gantt Version for all existing Gantt Visualforce Projects to "LWC". This means that when users open projects, they will now open in Gantt LWC. For more information on Salesforce Data Loader, please see Data Loader.
    • Gantt Version: Set the default value for Gantt Version picklist to "LWC". 



    Set Default Value for Gantt Version to "LWC"

    Once you've completed the validation process and have converted all your existing project templates and projects to Gantt LWC, you will need to set the default picklist value for Gantt Version to "LWC" so that the Gantt Version will always be set to "LWC" for new projects created moving forward.


    1. In Setup, go to Object Manager.

    2. Enter "Project" in the Quick Find box and click on Project.

    3. Go to Fields & Relationships. Then, look for Gantt Version and click on it.

    4. Under "Values", click on Edit beside LWC.

    5. Set "Make this value the default for the new master picklist" to TRUE and click on Save.

    Remove Gantt Version from Page Layout

    The primary purpose of the Gantt Version field in the project object is to determine which version of the Gantt component to display - Gantt Visualforce or Gantt LWC. When all of your existing projects have been migrated to Gantt LWC,  and the default value for Gantt Version has been set to "LWC", then the Gantt Version field is no longer needed. The expectation is that moving forward, new projects will only be created and managed in Gantt LWC.


    1. In Setup, go to Object Manager.

    2. Enter "Project" in the Quick Find box and click on Project.

    3. Go to Page Layouts and click on the page layout you are using. The image below is just an example.

    4. Remove the Gantt Version field from the page.

      Please Note:
      If you are using record types, you will need to remove the Gantt Version field from any page layout that includes it.

    5. Click on Save when finished.


    Remove Gantt Version Field and Gantt Visualforce Component from Project Lightning Record Page

    You will need to remove the Gantt Visualforce component from your Project Lighting Record page. This means that only the Gantt LWC will display when you open projects.


    1. In Setup, go to Object Manager.

    2. Enter "Project" in the Quick Find box and click on Project.

    3. Go to Lightning Record Pages and click on the Project Lightning record page you are using. The image below is just an example.

    4. Click on Edit.

    5. Hover over the Gantt Visualforce component and click on the Delete icon in the top right corner.

    6. The Gantt LWC should remain on the page. Click on the Gantt LWC to select it and in the panel on the right, remove the Filter under "Set Component Visibility". This means that when users open projects, it will always display in Gantt LWC. This also means it no longer references the value in Gantt Version field.

    7. If you are using Dynamic Forms in Project Details, you will also need to remove the Gantt Version field. Go to the Details Tab. Then, hover over Gantt Version and click on the Delete icon.

    8. Click on Save to save the changes you made to the Project Lightning Record page.


    Replace Portable Gantt Visualforce Component with Portable Gantt LWC

    If you've added the Portable Gantt Visualforce component to an object's Lightning record page, you will need to remove it and replace it with the new Portable Gantt LWC.


    1. In Setup, enter "Lightning App Builder" in the Quick Find box and click on Lightning App Builder.

    2. Look for the Lightning record page that contains the Portable Gantt Visualforce. For example, if you added the Portable Gantt Visualforce to your Opportunity Lightning record page, then look for it in the list and click on Edit beside it. The image below is just an example.

    3. Click on the Portable Gantt Visualforce component to select it. Then, click on the Delete Icon in the top right corner.

    4. Next, under the section for Custom - Managed, drag Inspire - Project Gantt LWC Portable to your desired area on the Lightning Record Page.

    5. We also recommend setting the Component visibility to the following:

      User --> Inspire Planner User Equal TRUE
      Record --> Inspire Project --> Project Name Not Equal to a blank value

      and set "Show component when" to "all filters are true"

      If there is no value in the Inspire Project lookup field, it will simply display a message on screen that the Project does not exist.

    6. Click on Save when you are finished making your changes.


    Remove Legacy Project Schedule Button from Project Page Layout

    If you have added the legacy Project Schedule button that opens Gantt Visualforce to your Project Page layouts, you will need to remove it and only keep the Project Schedule LWC button on the page.



    1. In Setup, go to Object Manager.

    2. Enter "Project" in the Quick Find box and click on Project.

    3. Go to Page Layouts and click on the page layout you are using. The image below is just an example.

    4. Remove Project Schedule under "Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions". You should now only have Project Schedule LWC on the page. 

      Please Note:
      If you are using record types, you will need to remove the legacy Project Schedule button from any page layout that includes it.

    5. Click on Save to save your changes.


    Remove "Violation Detected" from Project Task Field Set

    If you've added the "Violation Detected" field in the "Inspire Planner Custom Fields" field set in Project Task object, you will need to remove it.


    1. In Setup, go to Object Manager.

    2. Enter "Project Task" in the Quick Find box and click on Project Task.

    3. Go to Field Sets and click on Inspire Planner Custom Fields.

    4. Remove "Violation Detected" from the section labeled "In the Field Set". Then click on Save.


    Unassign "Inspire Planner - Gantt LWC Conversion Toolkit" Permission Set

    The purpose of this permission set is to grant users who are involved in the Gantt Visualforce to Gantt LWC validation and conversion process, access to fields and apex classes used in the Gantt LWC Conversion Toolkit. Once the validation and conversion is complete, this permission set is no longer necessary and should be unassigned from users.


    1. In Setup, enter "Permission Set" in the Quick Find box and go to Permission Sets.

    2. Click on "Inspire Planner - Gantt LWC Conversion Toolkit".

    3. Click on Manage Assignments on top.

    4. Select all users and click on the Remove Assignment icon in the top right corner.

    5. A confirmation dialogue window will display on screen. Click on Remove.


    Uninstall Gantt LWC Conversion Toolkit

    Now that all your existing active templates and projects have been converted to Gantt LWC, you can now uninstall the Gantt LWC Conversion Toolkit


    1. In Setup, enter "Installed Packages" in the Quick Find box and click on Installed Packages.

    2. Look for Inspire Planner Gantt LWC Conversion Toolkit and click on Uninstall.


    Next Step

    Now that your projects have been converted to Gantt LWC, encourage your users to become familiar with the new component. You can start with Gantt LWC - An Introduction.


    Stay Updated

    As Gantt LWC continues to evolve, we will provide new articles and instructional videos to support your conversion. For any questions, please reach out to


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