Gantt LWC - Insert Multiple Templates

    The insert multi-template feature in Inspire Planner allows you to select and apply multiple templates to an existing project in one go, making it easier for you to build comprehensive projects more efficiently.


    When applying templates, you may also choose what elements of each template are copied over, such as non-working days, project team members, risks and issues, and files.


    You can only select and apply a single template during project creation. The multi-template feature allows you to apply multiple templates to an already existing project. You can choose to create a new project without selecting a template first, then once the project is created, use the multi-template feature to apply multiple templates.


    Please note:

    This feature is only available in the Gantt Lightning Web component (Gantt LWC) and is not available in Gantt Visualforce.



    1. On an existing project, click on the Inset Multi-Template icon in the project toolbar.

    2. A dialogue window will open onscreen. Enter the template name or keyword in the box and click on "Search". Inspire Planner will return templates that match the name or contain the keyword you entered.

    3. Select a template and click on Add Templates. Repeat the process of searching, selecting and adding templates until you have added the templates you would like to apply to the project.

      The order that the templates are displayed in the "Added Templates" section dictates the order that the templates are applied to the project. This means that you can define the order by adding the templates one at a time according to your preferred order.

    4. Choose which elements of each template you would like to apply to the project.

      Include custom non-working days - will copy the non-working days from the template to the project.
      Include project teams - will copy project team members from the template to the project.
      Include risks and issues - will copy risks and issues from the template to the project.
      Include files - will copy files attached to the project task chatter feed to the project.

    5. To remove a template, click on the delete icon to the right of the template.

    6. Click on Save to start applying templates. If you already have tasks in the project, the tasks from the template(s) applied are going to be inserted at the bottom of the project. You can then reorder tasks via drag and drop.



    A few things to note:

    • The tasks from the templates are inserted at the bottom of the project. You can choose to re-order tasks in the project via drag and drop.
    • If the project or any of the templates selected have the same non-working days or project team members, Inspire Planner will not create duplicate records. 
    • If "Add as Collaborator" is TRUE in the project team record and the resource is a user, then a collaborator record is also created for the user in the project with the collaborator permission specified in the project team record.
    • Project settings are not copied from the templates (i.e. project start and end of working day, weekends as working days, scheduling direction, timezone, project constraint violation, assigned to display, send task notification).
    • If the project has non-working days or if you choose to copy the non-working days from the templates, project tasks will be recalculated according to the non-working days and will also consider the project's settings. You will then need to save the project.
    • After the template(s) is applied to the project, it is always best practice to review the project structure and make sure that the inserted tasks fall correctly within your task hierarchy.


    Getting Started - Gantt LWC

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