Inspire Planner - Standard Permission Set Inclusions

    A permission set is a collection of settings and permissions that give users access to various tools and functions. Although you can also specify permissions through user profiles, permission sets extend users' functional access without changing their profiles.


    When you install Inspire Planner, it comes with the following permission sets:

    • Inspire Planner Standard User - v1.12 Permissions
    • Inspire Planner - Agile Project Management
    • Inspire Planner System Jobs (Running User) - BETA
    • Inspire Planner - Lite User


    The Inspire Planner Standard User - v.12 Permission Set provides users full access to all features and functions within Inspire Planner except for Agile. The Inspire Planner - Agile Project Management Permission Set provides users full access to all features and functions within Inspire Planner, plus features and functionality related to Agile projects.


    The Inspire Planner System Jobs (Running User) includes the necessary permissions for the user running the Inspire Planner System Jobs (Beacon and Nightly Processes). 


    The Inspire Planner - Lite User permission set is ideal for users who need a limited view of Inspire Planner.


    Please note:

    The Inspire Planner System Jobs (Running User) permission set is still in BETA. This has only been validated against a user with a Salesforce License and who has been assigned a Standard User Profile. 


    If you intend to enable Agile Projects in Inspire Planner, it is recommended that you assign both permission sets to all of your Salesforce users. If you do not intend to enable Agile projects, you only need to assign the Inspire Planner Standard User -v 1.12 permission set. To learn how, please see Assigning Inspire Planner Permission Set.


    If you are looking to restrict access to certain objects or fields within Inspire Planner, it is recommended that you clone our standard permission sets and edit the clone to remove access. This ensures that users still have access to all other functional areas and underlying components of Inspire Planner.


    At the bottom of this help article are spreadsheets outlining all the permissions included in the Inspire Planner Standard User - v1.12 permission set, Inspire Planner - Agile Project Management permission set, and Inspire Planner System Jobs (Running User) permission set. These documents are updated with every release. If you are using custom permission sets, please ensure that you update your permission sets accordingly.


    Please note:

    There are some native Salesforce permissions required by Inspire Planner that the Inspire Planner permission sets are not able to grant access to. The approach would be to grant access via profiles, or to create a custom permission set that includes these few items and apply it to all Inspire Planner users.

    Please refer to the tab "Salesforce Permissions Needed" in each attached spreadsheet.






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