Inspire Planner allows you to define an Hourly Rate for each Resource (users and contacts). The Hourly Rate can be defined at the Resource or can also be defined at the Project Team record. The latter is ideal if the rate changes depending on the Project.
The Hourly Rate is carried over to the Salesforce Task when the Project Task is assigned to the Resource. When you enable the Inspire Planner Custom Setting "Use Effort to Calculate Cost", then the Budgeted Cost and Actual Cost are calculated using the Hourly Rate from the Salesforce Task.
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In Inspire Planner, a Resource is the person you assign a task to. A Resource can either be a Salesforce User or a Salesforce Contact. You can populate Hourly Rate either on the User record or on the Contact record. Simply navigate to the user or contact record and populate the Hourly Rate.
Please Note: If you do not see the Hourly Rate field on the user or contact record, your Salesforce Administrator may need to add it to the page layout.
A quick and easy way to also populate Hourly Rate for a Resource is to go to Resource Attributes.
Within Resource Attributes, go to the Resources Tab.
Click on the user or contact from the list on the left. This will open the resource record on the right side.
Click on Edit and populate the Hourly Rate for the Resource. When finished, click on Update.
There may be instances where the Resource's rate changes depending on the Project. Inspire Planner allows you to define the Hourly Rate for a Resource when you add him/her as a Project Team member on a Project.
From the Project Schedule, click on the Team Tab.
Click on New to add a new Project Team member.
Search for the user or contact you would like to add as a Project Team member. Next, define their Role on the Project and populate the Hourly Rate. Then click on Save.
Please Note: If you do not see the Hourly Rate field on the page, your Salesforce Administrator may need to add it to the page layout. Please see Configuring Project Team Hourly Rate.
If the Project Team record already exists and you simply want to edit the Hourly Rate, click on the drop down arrow to the right of the Project Team record and click on Edit.
Adjust the Hourly Rate and click on Save.