Admin Guide - Resource LWC - BETA - Portable Utilization Component

    The Resource Utilization Lightning Web Component (LWC) allows you to view your resources' utilization and availability based on the project tasks assigned to them. This feature allows you to easily see whether resources are over or under allocated and helps you find available resources for new and upcoming projects and tasks. For more information, please see Resource Lightning Web Component (LWC).


    The Resource Utilization component is now portable, meaning that you can add it to a Salesforce Lightning Record page. This help article will show you how to:




    Please note:

    The steps in this article should be performed by a Salesforce System Administrator as it requires access to Salesforce Setup.



    Add the Resource Utilization Component to Project Lightning Record Page

    The following Project Lightning Record pages already include the portable Resource Utilization component by default:

    • Inspire Planner - Multi-Project Type
    • Inspire Planner - Multi-Project Type (LWC)


    You only need to perform the steps below if you are using a custom project Lightning record page where you will need to add the portable Resource Utilization component.


    1. Click on the Gear Icon in the top right corner and go to Setup.

    2. Go to Object Manager.

    3. Enter "Project" in the Quick Find box and click on Projects.

    4. Go to Lightning Record Pages. Then, click on the Lightning record page you are using for projects.

      The image below is just an example.

    5. Click on Edit.

    6. Click on the Team Tab.

    7. Remove the Project Team Related List off the page. 

    8. From the list of components on the left, drag Tabs into the Team Tab.

    9. Click on Related in the panel on the right, then change the tab label to "custom" and enter "Team List" as the custom label. Click Done when finished.

    10. Next, click on Details in the panel on the right, then change the tab label to "custom" and enter "Assign Resource" as the custom label. Click Done when finished.

    11. After you've changed the labels, they should look like the image below.

    12. Now, you will need to add the components for each tab. From the list of components on the left, drag "Related List - Single" to the Project Team tab.

    13. In the panel on the right, set the following:

      Change "Related List" to Project Teams
      Change "Related List Type" to Enhanced List
      Change "Number of Records to Display" to 30
      Set "Show list view action bar" to TRUE

    14. Now, click on the Assign Resource Tab. From the list of components on the left, drag Inspire - Resource Assignment (BETA) on to the page.

    15. In the panel on the right, set "Height" to 500.

    16. Repeat the steps above for the Team Tab for Agile and Task List projects (only if you have agile and task list projects enabled in Inspire Planner).
    17. Click on Save to save your changes. If you have not yet activated the Lightning record page, you will also need to activate it.



    Activate the Project Team Lightning Record Page

    The Project Team Lightning record page already includes the portable Resource Utilization component. However, you will need to activate it. 


    1. In Setup, go to Object Manager.

    2. Enter "Project Team" in the Quick Find box and click on Project Team.

    3. Click on Lighting Record Pages. Then, click on Project Team Lightning Page.

    4. Click n View.

    5. Click on Activation in the top right corner.

    6. Assign it as the Org Default, select Desktop and phone and click on Next.

    7. Click on Save to finish.

      Please note:
      If you would like to make changes to the Project Team Lightning page, you will need to clone it first. Then, you can make your changes in the clone and activate it.



    AdministrationResource LWC - BETA

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