Set Component Visibility for Inspire Planner Lightning Components

    You can set the component visibility for Inspire Planner Lightning Components on Lightning pages so that they are only visible to users where the Inspire Planner User setting is enabled (checked) and where the Salesforce Task is related to an Inspire Task. 


    Please visit the article entitled "Enable Inspire Planner User Setting for Inspire Planner users" to learn how to enable the Inspire Planner User setting for Inspire Planner users.


    This help article will walk you through how to set the component visibility for Inspire Planner's Lightning components.



    Set Component Visibility - Salesforce Tasks

    This section will walk you through how to set the component visibility for Inspire Planner Lightning components on the Salesforce Tasks Lightning page.

    Here is a list of Inspire Planner Lightning Components that can be added to the Salesforce Task Lightning Record page. You can set the component visibility for each of these components so that they are only visible for Inspire Planner users.

    • Inspire - Project Task Chatter Feed
    • Inspire - Task Predecessors and Successors
    • Inspire - Time Tracker
    • Inspire - Task StopWatch


    1. Click on the Gear Icon at the top right corner and go to Setup.

    2. Enter "Lightning App" in the Quick Find Box at the top left corner and click on Lightning App Builder.

    3. A list of Lightning pages will be displayed onscreen. Look for the Lightning page you are using for Salesforce Tasks and click on Edit beside it. If you do not have an existing task lightning page, you can clone Inspire Planner Task Layout first.

    4. Within the Lightning page editor, click on one of the Inspire Planner Lightning components.

    5. In the Page options on the right, expand Set Component Visibility and click on + Add Filter.

    6. Go to Advanced and under Field, click on Select.

    7. Click in the box (or type in "User") and click on User from the list of options.

    8. Enter "Inspire" in the box and click on Inspire Planner User. Then click on Done.

    9. Set the operator to "Equal" and the Value to "True". Then click on Done.

    10. Click on + Add Filter again.

    11. Go to Advanced and under Field, click on Select.

    12. Click in the box (or type in "Record") and click on Record from the list of options.

    13. Enter "Inspire Task" in the box and click on Inspire Task.

    14. Next, enter "Task Name" in the box and click on Task Name. Then click on Done.

    15. Set the Operator to "Not Equal" and then leave Value blank. Click on Done.

    16. Next, select "All filters are true" under Show Component when: and then click on Save at the top right corner. 

    17. Repeat steps 4-16 above for each Inspire Planner Lightning component on the page.

      Once you've set the component visibility for all Inspire Planner Lightning components on the page, click on Save at the top right corner.


    Set Component Visibility - Home page - Portfolio Viewer

    This section will walk you through how to set the component visibility for the Inspire - Portfolio Viewer within a Home page.

    1. Click on the Gear Icon at the top right corner and go to Setup.

    2. Enter "Lightning App" in the Quick Find Box at the top left corner and click on Lightning App Builder.

    3. A list of Lightning pages will be displayed onscreen. Look for the Lightning page you are using for your Home page and click on Edit beside it.

    4. Within the Lightning page editor, click on the Inspire - Portfolio Viewer Lightning component.

    5. In the Page options on the right, expand Set Component Visibility and click on + Add Filter.

    6. Under Field, click on Select.

    7. Enter "User" in the box and click on User from the list of options.

    8. Enter "Inspire" in the box and click on Inspire Planner User. Then click on Done.

    9. Set the operator to "Equal" and the Value to "True". Then click on Done.

    10. Repeat the steps above for any other Inspire Planner Lightning Component you have on the Home page. Finally, click on Save at the top right corner.





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