Winter 20 - Release Notes

    See below for what's included with Inspire Planner's Winter 20 Release:


    New Features


    Resource Name FieldA new field called "Resource Name" has been added to the Salesforce Task which contains the name of the user or contact that the task is assigned to.This makes it easier to report on resources as you would now simply include the Resource Name field on your report instead of having to include either the Assigned To or Name fields.
    Use Chatter Free Group for Projects
    You can now use Chatter Free licenses for external contacts on a project and easily collaborate with them using the Project Chatter feed.
    Resource - Added Working HoursThere is a new field called "Working Hours" on the User and Contact Object which allows you to set the user/contact's working hours. Inspire Planner then references the value in this field when plotting hours for the resource on the Resource Allocation page. 

    New Setting to Hide Effort Columns in
    Inspire Planner External Portal

    A new custom setting has been added where if the setting is set to TRUE, the Planned Effort and Actual Effort fields are hidden in both the Project and List My Salesforce Task view in the Inspire Planner External Portal.
    New "Save on Open" checkbox on ProjectsA new checkbox called "Save on Open" has been added to Projects. When set to TRUE, the project is saved as soon as you open the Project interface. 
    New Project Timezone FeatureA Timezone field has been added to Projects which allows you to specify the timezone to be used when viewing the Project Schedule. 
    Project TeamsA Project Team record is automatically created when a Project Task is assigned to a resource. This also provides users with the ability to create project team records for Projects without necessarily populating the Assigned To column for Project Tasks. The Assigned To field references Project Teams.
    New Successor Column in Project InterfaceA new column called "Successors" has been added to the Project UI which allows you to see a project task's successor tasks.

    New Custom Setting for Launching
    Custom Project Lightning Page

    A new custom setting has been added called "Custom Project Page". When this is enabled, Inspire Planner defaults the project view to the custom project lightning page. 
    Project Portfolio User SettingsYou can now customize your Portfolio view such as reordering columns, displaying/hiding columns, and adjusting column widths and Inspire Planner automatically saves your Portfolio viewing preferences.
    Define Non-working Days and Weeks
    for a Project
    A new "Show Calendar" icon is available within the Project UI which allows you to define non-working days and weeks for the project.




    External Portal OptimizationsOptimizations have been made to the Inspire Planner External Portal to prevent failures and improve performance.

    Expanded Project Task Field Set to
    Include All Field Types

    Field Set for the Project Task Object now allows you to include custom fields of all field types to the Project UI.
    Salesforce Task Fields Deprecated

    To reduce the number of custom fields Inspire Planner is utilization on the native Salesforce Task/Activity object we have deprecated the following fields:

    • Project ID (inspire1__ProjectID__c)
    • Project Task ID (inspire1__ProjectTaskID__c)

    Inspire Planner now solely uses the lookup field inspire1__Inspire_Task__c to reference IDs.  Since these fields are deprecated, they can be deleted.

    Project Task Date Fields Deprecated and Replaced

    Due to app optimization, we have deprecated the following fields on Project Task:

    • Start Date (deprecated) (inspire1__Start_Date__c)
    • Finish Date (deprecated) (inspire1__Finish_Date__c)

    They have been replaced with more efficient formula fields:

    • Start Date Only (inspire1__Start_Date_Only__c)
    • Finish Date Only (inspire1__Finish_Date_Only__c)

    The deprecated fields will continue to function as expected so this will not impact any existing reports or workflows/process flows.  However, all net new reports and automation should utilize the new fields.


    Resolved Issues


    Project Description Getting Copied from TemplateUnmapped Project Description from being copied to the new project from the template.
    Deleting Parent Tasks does not delete Child TasksResolved the issue where child tasks were not being deleted when the Parent Task is deleted.
    Custom URL field on Project Task not launching correctly in a new tabCustom URL fields on Project Tasks now launch in a new tab
    Weekly View - Time Tracker IssueResolved the issue where when logging time for multiple tasks in the Weekly view of Time Tracker, it was duplicating the time entry across all rows for the same day.
    Unable to Open ProjectResolved the issue where a project does not load if there are custom project task fields added to the Project UI and where the custom field is moved to a different position or re-sized.
    Lightning Task Predecessor Component failing to display predecessor/success tasks when there is Lag TimeResolved the issue where tasks with lag time do not display in the Lightning Task Predecessor/Successor Component within Salesforce Tasks.
    Start and Finish Time not storing in UTCResolved the issue where when saving Start and Finish Date/Time, it was not correctly converting and storing time based on User's locale time zone setting.



    Release Notes

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