Admin Guide - Portfolio LWC - Portfolio View (Milestones or Parent Tasks)

    When viewing Static or Dynamic Portfolios, you can now specify what is displayed for Projects, either Milestones Only or Parent Tasks. This provides users additional visibility when viewing projects in a portfolio.


    Each user is able to specify their view on a portfolio and their preference is saved as part of their user preferences record. The user preferences record contains the user's viewing preferences on a portfolio (i.e. column order, columns displayed/hidden, etc.)


    This help article will walk you through the necessary configurations to enable this feature in Inspire Planner.


    Please Note:

    You must be a Salesforce System Administrator to complete the steps outlined in this help article.


    Grant Access to View Type Field

    A new field called "View Type" has been added to the User Preferences object. You will need to make sure that Inspire Planner users have access to this field.


    The following out-of-the-box permission sets that come with Inspire Planner already have access to this field:

    • Inspire Planner Standard User - v1.12 Permission Set
    • Inspire Planner - Agile Project Management


    If you have custom permission sets, you will need to enable read and edit access to this new field.


    1. Click on the Gear Icon at the top right corner and go to Setup.

    2. Enter "Permission Set" in the Quick Find box and click on Permission Sets.

    3. Click on your custom permission set. The image below is just an example.

    4. Next, click on Object Settings.

    5. Click on User Preferences.

    6. Click on Edit.

    7. Grant Read and Edit Access to View Type. Then click on Save when finished.

    8. Repeat the steps above for all your custom permission sets.



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