Align Salesforce Task Status with Inspire Project Task Status

    In order for Inspire Project Task Statuses to update correctly when the corresponding Salesforce Task Status is updated, you need to ensure that the status picklist values for these two objects align with each other, meaning that they have the exact same values.


    This help article will walk you through how to make sure that status picklist options for both the Inspire Planner Project Task and Salesforce Task align with each other.


    By default, Inspire Project Tasks have the following status picklist options:

    • Not Started (Default value)
    • In Progress
    • Completed
    • Waiting on someone else
    • Deferred


    You can, however, change these values or create additional values if needed.


    Modify Inspire Project Task Status Values

    This section will walk you through how to modify the Inspire Project Task Status picklist values.


    1. Click on the Gear Icon at the top right corner and go to Setup.

    2. Go to Object Manager.

    3. Enter 'Project Task' in the Quick Find box at the top right corner and then click on Project Task.

    4. Go to Fields & Relationships in the menu on the left.

    5. Enter 'Status' in the Quick Find box at the top right corner and then click on Status.

    6. Scroll down through the page and look for the Values related list. You will see the existing values within the status picklist for Inspire Project tasks. 

      Add New Values
      To add new values, click on New.

      Then, enter each new value as a separate line. Click on Save when you are finished.

      Remove Values
      To remove values you do not need, click on Deactivate beside the value.



    Adjust Inspire Planner Custom Settings

    In Inspire Planner, when you change the status of a Project Task such as marking it "complete" or "in progress", the % Complete also auto-adjusts with it. If you added custom status values in the Project Task Status picklist, you will need to adjust the Inspire Planner Custom Settings so that the it knows how to interpret your custom values. For example, if you added a custom status of "open" and want Inspire Planner to treat it the same as "not started", then you need to define it in Custom Settings.

    Please Note:

    When you add a custom value in custom settings, it replaces the standard status that comes out-of-the-box with Inspire Planner. This means that the standard value will no longer drive % Complete or parent task roll-up. For example, if you have a custom status value called "Processing" and you add it in the custom setting for "Task Status In Progress", then Inspire Planner treats "Processing" as a replacement for "In Progress". If you choose to retain both "In Progress" and "Processing" in the status picklist, "In Progress" will no longer drive the value for % Complete or Parent Task Status roll-up. Instead, "Processing" will drive it.



    1. Click on the Gear Icon at the top right corner and go to Setup.

    2. Enter "custom setting" in the Quick Find box and click on Custom Settings.

    3. Click on Manage beside Inspire Planner Config.

    4. Click on Edit on top.

    5. Look for the standard Inspire Planner Status values and enter the API name of your equivalent custom status values. In the example below, by entering "Open" for Task Status Not Started, we are telling Inspire Planner to treat "Open" the same as "Not Started". Click on Save when you are done.

      Please note: Multiple values are not supported. You can only define one equivalent custom status for each standard status.



    Modify Salesforce Task Status Values

    This section will walk you through how to modify the Salesforce Status picklist values so that they match the Inspire Project Task Status picklist values.


    1. Click on the Gear Icon at the top right corner and go to Setup.

    2. Go to Object Manager.

    3. Enter 'Task' in the Quick Find box at the top right corner and then click on Task.

    4. Next, go to Fields & Relationships in the menu on the left.

    5. Enter 'Status' in the Quick Find box at the top right corner and then click on Status.

    6. Scroll down through the page until you see the Related List called Task Status Picklist Values. Review the value and make sure they match the Inspire Project Task Status picklist values. 

      Add New Values
      To add new values, click on New.

      Then, enter each new value as a separate line. Click on Save when you are finished.

      Remove Values
      To remove values you do not need, click on Deactivate beside the value.



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