Auto Add Project Team Members as Project Collaborators

    The Project Team is consisted of the resources you are assigning tasks to. When a Project Team record is created where the Role is defined for the resource, Inspire Planner automatically assigns Tasks with the same Role (for more information, please see Auto Assign Tasks to Project Team Members using Roles). 


    When adding users as Project Team members, you may also choose to automatically add them as collaborators on the Project. This will create a Project Collaborator record for the user and will grant them either read-only or read/write access to the Project, depending on the collaborator permission level you specify.


    For configuration instructions, please see Project Team - Enable Option to Add as Collaborator.


    When creating a Project Team record, Add as Collaborator defaults to TRUE. This means that if the project team member you are creating is a user, it will also automatically create a collaborator record for the user. You can set this to FALSE if you do not wish to have the user added as a collaborator. You can also define their permission level for the project - viewer or editor.


    Please Note:  

    • Only Users can be automatically added as collaborators on the Project via the Project Team record. If you would like to add Contacts as collaborators on the Project, you will need to use the Add Project Collaborator Icon. Queues cannot be added as collaborators.


    Next, define their Collaborator Permission Level.

    • Viewer - will grant the resource "read-only" access to the Project
    • Editor - will grant the resource "read/write" access to the Project


    Click on Save when finished.



    Please note the following:

    • It will only add the resource as a collaborator if he/she does not yet exist as a collaborator on the Project.
    • If a collaborator record for the resource already exists, it will update the collaborator permission level with what is specified in the Project Team record when the Project Team record is created.
    • If the Collaborator Permission Level is adjusted in the collaborator record, it will not update the Collaborator Permission Level defined in the Project Team record. However, if you edit the Project Team record, it will always overwrite the Collaborator Permission Level with what is defined on the Project Team record.
    • When the Project Team record of a collaborator is deleted, it will also delete the collaborator record unless they are the project owner.




    Project Task AssignmentProject Teams & Roles

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