Gantt LWC - Project Templates

    Project Templates - Overview

    Project templates provide you with a quick and easy way to create new projects. When a template is applied to a project during project creation, the project inherits tasks and settings from the template. 

    Projects created using a Project Template inherit all the Project Template's properties - Project Tasks, Duration, Start and Finish Dates, Predecessors, Assigned Resources, Priority, Planned Effort, Budgeted Cost, Categories and Notes. It also inherits the project settings such as column display preferences, non-working days, scheduling direction, etc. Therefore, when creating a new Project Template, it is recommended that you configure it in a way that will make it easier for you to create future projects using the template. 


    You can apply a template to a project during project creation, or after you've created the project. 


    Please note the following:

    • Review your template and ensure all project tasks have a value in "Status". Only populate in the template values you would like to copy to a new project. For example, if the task assignment changes from project to project, then it is not recommended that you populate the task assignment in the template. 
    • Since templates are created as projects, this means that the same sharing settings apply. If project sharing settings are set to private, then the template is only visible to the user who created it and Salesforce System Administrators. You can share the template with other users by adding collaborators or the Salesforce System Administrator can adjust sharing settings or configure sharing rules. For more information, please see Options for Sharing Projects.
    • When applying a template during Project creation, the new Project inherits the Project Status of the Template. 
    • When applying a template to an already existing Project, it does not inherit the Project Status nor the settings of the template.
    • Project Timezone is never inherited from a template. For more information on how project timezone is assigned, please see Project Timezone Assignment.
    • If the Project Name contains the word "Template", there is a workflow rule called "Update Is Template TRUE" that will automatically set "Is Template" to TRUE. Salesforce Administrators can choose to deactivate this workflow rule.
    • For more information on what gets inherited from Templates, please see Project Templates - What Gets Inherited


    Creating a Project Template

    Creating a new Project Template is the same as creating a new Project (see Getting Started to learn how to create a new Project) except that you are designating it as a Template by setting 'Is Template' to TRUE.

    You can choose to create the template first and then designate it as a template after. To do so, simply click on the Details Tab.



    Click on Edit beside "Is Template" and set it to TRUE. Click on Save to save your changes.

    Please note:

    If you have an active or previously active project that you would like to use as a template, we do not recommend setting "Is Template" to TRUE as the project likely contains data specific to the project. The best practice is to clone it, then review the clone to include only tasks, task information, and project settings you would like to apply to new projects that will then be created from the template.


    Creating a new Project using a Project Template

    To create a new project from a Project Template, go to the Projects Tab and click on New.

    Next, populate the Project Name. Locate the Project Template field and search for a project template by entering the project template name. A list of project templates will be displayed. Select the project template you wish to use.

    Click on Save.

    Once you save the new project, the new project will inherit the content and properties of the Project Template you specified. You can then make any needed adjustments to the new project.

    Project Templates and List Views

    You can make use of a list view to view project templates or to designate existing projects as templates. You can either create a new list view or edit an existing list view which contains the 'Is Template' field as a column.

    Open or create a new list view. Click on the List View Settings icon at the top right and click on 'Select Fields to Display'.

    Look for 'Is Template' in the list of Available Fields on the left and move it over to the Visible Fields box using the arrow.

    You can re-order the fields by using the up and down arrows to the right of the Visible Fields box. Click on Save when done.

    The page will refresh, and you will now be able to see the 'Is Template' column. You can designate a project as a template by hovering over the checkbox. Click on the Edit icon beside it.

    You​ can now select the checkbox to designate the project as a project template. Click on Save at the bottom of the page to save your changes.​​​​​​


    You can also filter the list using the 'Is Template' field so that you are viewing either only projects that are or aren't designated as project templates. You can do this by clicking on the Filter icon at the top right corner of the list.

    Click on Add Filter.

    Select 'Is Template' as the Field. Then select your operator (equals or not equal to) and the value (True or False). Click on Done.

    You'll now see the filter you've added. Click on Save.

    Your list view will refresh to display only projects that match your filter.

    Another way to quickly create new projects is by cloning an existing project using the Save As Function. Please see Save As (Cloning) Functionality for more information. 


    See also, Applying a Template to an Existing Project


    Getting Started - Gantt LWC

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