Gantt LWC - Set Non-Working Days and Weeks for a Project

    There may be days or weeks when no work is done, perhaps due to a statutory holiday, or in the event the office is closed. Inspire Planner allows you to define non-working days for a project. The scheduling engine then automatically adjusts project tasks so that they do not fall on these non-working days, allowing you to see how it impacts your project schedule.


    In the project, click on the Show Calendar icon located in the top right corner.



    Navigating within the Calendar

    The calendar defaults to the current month with the current date highlighted. To switch between months, you can click on the arrows on either side of the current month.


    Click on the double arrows to move to the previous or next calendar year.


    When you click on the month, it will give you the option to jump to another month.


    When you click on the year, it will give you the option to jump to another year.


    Add Non-working Days

    This section will walk you through how to add non-working days to a project.

    1. To add a non-working day, you can either click on a specific date from the calendar and click on the Add button, or you can simply click on Add.

    2. This will add a new row in the non-working days tab below.

    3. If you hover your cursor on the date, or hover to the right of the non-working day, an edit icon will display. Click on the edit icon to add a name for the non-working day (i.e. holiday name or office closed) and/or edit the date. 

    4. You can add as many non-working days as you need by repeating the steps above. Then, when you have finished, click on OK.

    5. The window will close and the scheduling engine will automatically adjust the project task dates so they don't fall on the non-working days. The project task start or finish date is re-scheduled to the next, earliest working day. For any dates that shift, a red change indicator will display in the top left corner.

      The project will also display "Unsaved changes detected". This means that you will need to save the project to save the date adjustments.

      Please note:
      If you leave the project without saving, the changes to task dates are not saved. This means that the next time you open the project, the scheduling engine will again recalculate task dates according to your non-working days and will display the red change indicator. This will continue to occur until you save the project, or you choose to remove the non-working days.


    Add Non-working Weeks

    There may be instances where you may need to set a number of consecutive days as non-working days. For example, the office might be closed for 2 weeks during the Christmas holidays. Instead of adding each day as a non-working day, you could add non-working weeks.

    1. To add a non-working week, click on the Non-working Weeks tab.

    2. Next, you can either click on a specific date from the calendar to indicate the start of the non-working week and click on the Add button, or you can simply click on Add.

      This will then add a new row, with the start date set as the date you selected from the calendar. The finish date is going to default to 1 week from the start date.

    3. If you hover your cursor over the start date or end date, an edit icon will display. Click on the edit icon to change the start or end date.

      You can choose to update the end date to shorten or lengthen the week. For example, if you only need to set 4 consecutive non-working days instead of the full 7 days, you can adjust the end date to 4 days from the start date.

      On the contrary, if you need to extend the week, you can adjust the end date to a later date. For example, if you have 2 consecutive non-working weeks, then simply update the end date to 14 days from the start date. This will then block 2 consecutive weeks.

    4. You may also choose to edit the name of the non-working week, to indicate what it is for.

    5. You can add as many non-working weeks as you need by repeating the steps above. Then, when you have finished, click on OK.

    6. The window will close and the scheduling engine will automatically adjust the project task dates so they don't fall on the non-working days. The project task start or finish date is re-scheduled to the next, earliest working day. For any dates that shift, a red change indicator will display in the top left corner.

      The project will also display "Unsaved changes detected". This means that you will need to save the project to save the date adjustments.

      Please note:
      If you leave the project without saving, the changes to task dates are not saved. This means that the next time you open the project, the scheduling engine will again recalculate task dates according to your non-working days and will display the red change indicator. This will continue to occur until you save the project, or you choose to remove the non-working days.


    Set Default Non-working Days/Weeks for Projects

    The non-working days or non-working weeks you set up for a project are specific to that project. If you would like to set up default non-working days or weeks for projects, you can set them up as part of your project templates. When a template is applied to a project during project creation, or using the insert multi-templates feature, the non-working days and weeks in the template are then applied to the project.


    What about projects where no template is applied? You may choose to set up a Global Default Project template. If you add your non-working days/weeks to the global default, new projects created where no template is applied, inherit the non-working days from the global default. For more information, please see Set a Global Default Project Setting.


    Remove a Non-working Day or Week

    To remove non-working day(s) or week(s), simply click on the delete icon at the end of the row.


    When you have finished, click on OK

    The window will close and the scheduling engine will automatically adjust the project task dates. For any dates that shift, a red change indicator will display in the top left corner.

    The project will also display "Unsaved changes detected". This means that you will need to save the project to save the date adjustments.

    Please note:
    If you leave the project without saving, the changes to task dates are not saved. This means that the next time you open the project, the scheduling engine will again recalculate task dates and will display the red change indicator. This will continue to occur until you save the project.


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