How to Schedule Inspire Planner System Jobs

    There are a number of processes that run within Inspire Planner that are responsible for synchronizing task statuses, calculating rollups, unlocking Projects, deleting tasks, etc. These processes are scheduled as Apex jobs:


    • Inspire Planner Beacon - runs every two (2) minutes
    • Inspire Planner Nightly Processes - runs every evening at 3:00 AM of the initiating user


    In order for these Apex jobs to run as scheduled, you will need to initiate the jobs in your Salesforce org. This help article will show you how. You will also need to delete the previous Apex jobs that are no longer being used.

    Please Note:

    The Inspire Planner Beacon is a self-scheduled job which means that after it runs, it will automatically reschedule itself within the next 2 minutes. However, if there are a lot of processes running in Salesforce, it may fail to reschedule.


    The Inspire Planner Nightly Processes job also includes the same processes performed by the Inspire Planner Beacon so that should it fail to reschedule, the Nightly Processes will perform the same tasks that the Inspire Planner Beacon would have completed. The Nightly Processes will also check to see if the Inspire Planner Beacon is scheduled and if not, it will attempt to reschedule the Inspire Planner Beacon for you.


    Should the Inspire Planner Beacon fail to reschedule, you should run the reconciliation jobs to reconcile data. Please click here for instructions on how to run the reconciliation jobs.


    The instructions outlined below must be performed by a Salesforce System Administrator who

    • Has an Inspire Planner license assigned
    • "Inspire Planner User" is TRUE in the user profile
    • Has the "Inspire Planner Standard User - v1.12 Permission Set" assigned


    Schedule Apex Jobs

    First, you will need to schedule the Inspire Planner Apex jobs.


    1. Go to the App Launcher and enter "Inspire Planner" in the Quick Find box. Click on Inspire Planner Settings.

    2. Look for "Schedule system jobs" and click on Start Jobs.


    A confirmation message will appear on top of the page telling you that the jobs have been started.


    Delete Legacy Apex Jobs

    You will also need to make sure that the following scheduled Apex Jobs are deleted.


    • RollupDaysandPlannedValueBatch
    • ReconcileAndRollupBatch
    • Check Inspire Licenses
    • ChangeProjectTaskStatusBatch


    1. In Setup, enter "Scheduled Jobs" in the Quick Find box.

    2. Make sure your view settings is set to "All Scheduled Jobs".

    3. Since these new jobs replace our old deprecated jobs, please delete the previous jobs from the Scheduler.  Look for the following Apex Jobs and click on "Del" beside it. This will delete the scheduled apex job.  Some jobs may not be scheduled so you can ignore them if they are not listed in your scheduler.


    Run Reconciliation Jobs

    The Inspire Planner Beacon is a self-scheduling job which means that after it runs, it will automatically reschedule itself within the next 2 minutes. However, if there are a lot of processes running in Salesforce, it may fail to reschedule.


    The Inspire Planner Nightly Processes job also includes the same processes performed by the Inspire Planner Beacon so that should it fail to reschedule, the Nightly Processes will perform the same tasks that the Inspire Planner Beacon would have completed. The Nightly Processes will also check to see if the Inspire Planner Beacon is scheduled and if not, it will attempt to reschedule the Inspire Planner Beacon for you.


    Should the Inspire Planner Beacon fail to reschedule, you should run the reconciliation jobs to reconcile data.


    1. Go to the App Launcher and enter "Inspire Planner" in the Quick Find box. Click on Inspire Planner Settings.

    2. Look for "Reconcile Collaborator and Roll-up Date" and click on Reconcile Data. You will see a confirmation message on-screen to let you know that the job has started.




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