Project Team - Total Allocated Effort and Total Actual Effort

    Last Modified On: October 8, 2024

    Modified to include the revisions to logic that will be available with Inspire Planner's OCT 2024 (1.366) - MAJOR Release


    The Project Team consists of the resources (user, contact or queue) you are assigning tasks to. Tasks can be assigned to resources either automatically or manually.


    Automatic Task Assignment

    When a Project Team record is created where a Role is defined for the resource, Inspire Planner automatically assigns Tasks with the same Role (for more information, please see Auto Assign Tasks to Project Team Members using Roles). 


    Manual Task Assignment

    Tasks can be manually assigned to a resource by manually populating the "Assigned To" cell for a project task. When you manually assign tasks, and if there is no existing project team record, Inspire Planner will automatically create the project team record based on the following:


    Task Multi-RoleResource Project Team RecordResult
    Is blankDoes not existNew project team record is created for the resource and Role is set to blank in the Project Team record
    Is blankExists and Role is blankNo new project team record is created
    Is blankExists and Role is populatedNo new project team record is created
    Has a valueDoes not existNew project team record is created for the resource and Role is set to blank in the Project Team record
    Has a valueExists but the Role is differentNo new project team record is created
    Has a valueExists and the Role is the same as the task Mult-RoleNo new project team record is created


    In summary, a new project team record should only be created IF there is no existing project team record for the resource, regardless of the value in Role. When it creates a new project team record, the project team record role will be set to blank. 


    Total Allocated Effort and Actual Effort Rollup

    If there are tasks assigned to resources where the task Planned Effort has a value, it rolls up the Total Allocated Effort to the project team record of the resource. When the resource logs time for their assigned tasks, it also rolls up the Total Actual Effort to the resource's project team record.


    The Project Team Record contains the following rollup fields:

    Total Allocated Effort = SUM (Task Planned Effort * % Allocation) of the resource's assigned tasks

    Total Actual Effort = SUM (Time Entries) logged by the resource against their assigned tasks


    The rollup to the Project Team record occurs when:

    • Task Planned Effort is populated or edited
    • % Allocation is edited
    • Role is edited
    • Task is assigned or unassigned
    • Task is deleted
    • Time Entries are created, edited or deleted


    Resource Project Team RecordRoleResult
    A single project team record for the resource existsRegardless of value in Project Task Role and Project Team RoleTask Allocated Effort and Actual Effort rollup to the existing project team record for the resource.
    Multiple project team records exist for the same resourceWhere Project Task Role and resource's Project Team Role matchTask Allocated Effort and Actual Effort rollup to the project team record for the resource where Role matches.
    Multiple project team records exist for the same resourceWhere Project Task Role does not match any of the resource's existing Project Team RoleTask Allocated Effort and Actual Effort rollup to the project team record that was created first (earliest created date).


    Please Note:

    • If the project team record does not exist for the resource, it will create the project team record according to the conditions listed under Manual Task Assignment.
    • The rollup of both Allocated Effort and Time Entries are handled by the Inspire Planner Beacon. This means that if you create, edit or delete records, you will need to wait until the Beacon runs before you can see the updates to Project Team Total Allocated Effort and Total Actual Effort.











    Project Task AssignmentProject Teams & Roles

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