Gantt LWC - Task Notifications and Reminders

    Last Modified On: November 12, 2024


    What is a Task Notification?

    A Task Notification is an email that is sent to the assigned resource when a task is assigned to them. Project tasks can be assigned to users, contacts or queues.


    How do Task Notifications work?

    When the "Send Task Notifications" setting is enabled for a project, an email notification is automatically sent to the user or contact for each task assigned to them.

    1. Assign a project task to a user/contact.
    2. Save the project.
    3. Assigned user/contact receives a task notification via email.


    Please note:

    If you assign a task to yourself, you will not receive a task notification.

    Task notifications can be enabled or disabled for assigned users and contacts on a per-project basis.

    How to Enable/Disable Task Notification for a Project

    You can enable or disable Task Notification for each project. When task notification is enabled for a project, the users assigned to a project task automatically receive a task notification by email.

    To enable/disable task notifications, simply go to the project and click on the Project Settings Icon (Gear Icon on the Gantt Chart Toolbar).


    To enable Task notifications, set 'Send task notification' to TRUE. To disable Task notifications, set it to FALSE. When you enable/disable task notifications, it is specific to the project you are working on. You can enable/disable task notifications for each project. Click on Apply to save your project settings.


    Please note the following:

    • When you enable task notification for a project, it only enables task notifications to be sent to users who have been assigned tasks. If you wish to also enable task notifications to be sent to contacts when they are assigned a task, then you would need to enable Contact Task Assignment Notification on the Inspire Planner Settings page.
    • The 'Send Task Notification' setting is inherited from templates when a template is applied during project creation. This means that if you set 'Send Task Notification' to FALSE on a template and the template is applied to a project during project creation, then the new project will inherit 'Send Task Notification' as FALSE.
    • The task notification email is sent upon assignment. This means that if 'Send Task Notification' is FALSE, and then you update it to TRUE after tasks have already been assigned, then task notification emails are not sent to tasks that are already assigned. Task notification emails will only be sent to new assignments.
    • If you have a Global Default Project Setting in place, then new projects created where no template is applied during project creation will inherit the settings of the Global Default Project Setting. This means that if in the Global Default Project Setting 'Send Task Notification' is FALSE, then new projects will inherit this same setting. For more information, please see Set Global Default Project Settings.


    How to Enable/Disable Contact Task Assignment Notification

    To enable Task Notifications for tasks assigned to contacts, you will need to go to the Inspire Planner Settings page.


    1. Go to the App Launcher in the top left corner and enter "Inspire Planner Settings" in the Quick Find box. Then, click on Inspire Planner Settings.

    2. Look for the setting called 'Enable Contact task assignment notification'. You can enable or disable the setting using the slide button to the right. Click on Save to save your settings.


    Task Notification Settings Explained - Users

    There are three (3) settings that determine whether a user receives a task notification email:

    • Activity Settings (Enable User Control over Task Assignment Notification) - this is a Salesforce-native setting
    • Activity Reminder (Email me when someone assigns me a task) - this is a Salesforce-native setting
    • Project Setting (Send Task Notification) - this is an Inspire Planner project setting


    The Activity Settings ultimately determine if the user receives a task notification email. When Activity Settings is set to TRUE, it then checks if Activity Reminders is TRUE. If yes, then regardless of the project setting ("Send Task Notification" is TRUE or FALSE), the user will receive a task notification email. 


    Please note:

    The behavior described below is specific to the Gantt Lightning Web Component (LWC). For expected behavior for Gantt Visualforce (VF), please see Gantt VF - Task Notificatons and Reminders.


    The table below provides a summary of the expected behavior:

    Activity Setting
    Enable User Control over Task Assignment Notification
    Activity Reminder
    Email me when someone assigns me a task
    Project Setting
    Send Task Notification
    Receives Task Notification Email


    Does not matterYes
    TRUEFALSEDoes not matterNo
    FALSEDoes not matterTRUEYes
    FALSEDoes not matterFALSENo


    Task Notification Settings Explained - Contacts

    There are two (2) settings that determine whether a contact receives a task notification email:

    • Inspire Planner Settings (Enable Contact Task Assignment Notification) 
    • Project Setting (Send Task Notification)


    The table below provides a summary of the expected behavior:

    Inspire Planner Setting
    Enable Contact Task Assignment Notification
    Project Setting
    Send Task Notification
    Receives Task Notification Email




    Task Reminders

    When a user is assigned a project task, the user receives a task reminder on the Project Task Start Date.

    The Task reminder pops up on screen when the user logs into Salesforce.

    Please Note: 
    Once you dismiss the Task reminder, you will not be prompted again unless the Project Task Finish Date is updated.


    You can view all task reminders by clicking on the Notification icon in the top right corner of the screen.

    You can then click on a specific task to view it, or you can mark all tasks as read.


    Getting Started - Gantt LWC

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