Gantt LWC - How to Print a Project

    Printing your Project is quick and easy. When you print a project, it exports the project first into either a PDF or a PNG file. You can then choose to print a physical copy if desired. This help article will show you how.


    Please note: 

    • If you are using Chrome or Firefox, please set it to allow pop-ups.
    • The print settings described in this help article is specific to the Gantt LWC and is not available in Gantt Visualforce.


    Prepare Your Project

    Adjust the Gantt Chart so that it displays your desired time span. You can use the Left and Right arrows to move to the previous or next time span. Use the Zoom In and Zoom Out icons to zoom and out to a smaller or larger time span. If you would like to view the full timeline in the Gantt Chart, click on the Zoom to Full Timeline icon.


    Print Your Project

    After you've adjusted the time span for the Gantt chart, click on the Print Project Plan icon located in the Project Toolbar.


    Print Settings dialogue will display where you can set your print preferences.


    • Columns: Allows you to select which columns from the project are to be included in the print-out. If you have custom fields, they can also be included.
    • Paper Format: Specify the paper format you would like to use.
    • Orientation: Choose between portrait or landscape. 
    • Include Header: When TRUE, will display a header on top of each page. The header includes your Company Logo, Project Name and Project Manager (owner). To learn how to set a company logo for your print header, please see Add a Company Logo to your Print Header.
    • Rows: Choose between "all rows" or "visible rows".

      All rows - will include all rows in the project.

      Visible rows - will only include the rows that are visible onscreen (for example - if parent tasks are collapsed wherein the child tasks are not visible, then only the parent tasks are included in the print-out).
    • Gantt Chart Range: Choose between "complete schedule", "visible schedule" or "date range".

      Complete Schedule - will include the full project timeline.

      Visible Schedule - will only include the project timeline visible in the Gantt chart onscreen.

      Date Range - will allow you to specify a date range that will be included in the print-out. For example, if you have a large project that spans multiple years, you may want to only include the tasks in the Gantt chart for the current year.
    • Pagination: Choose between "single page", "multiple pages" or "multiple pages (vertical)"

      Single Page - will auto-adjust the project to fit on a single page.

      Multiple pages will print the project in multiple pages if it can't fit in a single page. It may mean that the task list and Gantt chart are on different pages.

      Multiple pages (vertical) - will print the project in multiple pages if it can't fit in a single page. However, it will auto-adjust the task list columns and Gantt Chart to fit vertically.
    • Align Rows: this option is only available when pagination is set to either "Multiple pages" or "Multiple pages (vertically)". When TRUE, automatically adjusts task rows so that they display correctly when spanning multiple pages. It is recommended that you set this to TRUE.
    • Repeat Header: When TRUE, will display the header on top of every page.
    • File Format: Choose the export format - PDF or PNG. Choose PNG if you would like to download the project as an image file. This format is ideal if you want to be able to insert the project as an image file (for example - an image within a presentation). Choose PDF if you intent to print a physical copy or to share electronically (for example - as an email attachment).


    Once you've specified your print settings, click on Export. Inspire Planner will then export the project in the format you chose (PDF or PNG). You will be prompted to download the file and save it into a local folder.


    How to Print Only the Task List or Only the Gantt Chart

    It is possible to only print the task list or the Gantt Chart.


    To print only the task list and not the Gantt Chart, simply close/hide the Gantt chart before clicking on the Print Project Plan icon. You can hide the Gantt chart by clicking on the Hide Gantt Chart icon.

    When the Gantt chart is hidden, then Inspire Planner ignores the Gantt Chart Range setting in the Print Settings dialogue.


    To print only the Gantt chart and not the task list, simply close/hide the task list before clicking on the Print Project Plan icon. You can hide the task list by clicking on the Hide Task List icon in the project toolbar.

    When the task list is hidden, then Inspire Planner ignores the column setting in the Print Settings dialogue.


    After hiding the task list, it is recommended that you adjust the Gantt chart using the Gantt chart icons. For example, if you intend to print the full project timeline or print the visible schedule, then use the zoom in/zoom out icons so that the Gantt chart displays the range and unit you want.


    In the example below, if we want to see the project timeline in weeks, then we would use the zoom in icon to zoom into the timeline to display weeks. Do this before you click on the Print Project Plan icon.



    How to Hide the Task Subject in the Gantt Chart

    If you don't want to display the task subject beside the task bars in the Gantt chart, you can choose to hide them by clicking on the Hide Task Subject icon in the Gantt Toolbar. This will hide the task subject in the Gantt chart and will also exclude it when printing projects. Do this before you click on the Print Project Plan icon.








    Project PlanGetting Started - Gantt LWC

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