Winter 18 - Release Notes

    See below for what's coming with Inspire Planner's Winter 18 Release.



    New Features




    Impact/Action Needed

    New Project Tab

     The Inspire Planner Tab has been replaced with the Projects tab. This introduces a full private security model. Also, users are now able to create custom list views under the Projects tab.  
    Ability to Add Custom Fields to Salesforce Tasks 

    Users who have admin rights are now able to include custom fields for Salesforce Tasks in the Inspire Planner Interface, which are displayed in the Assigned To and List All Salesforce Tasks dialogue boxes.

    Ability to Change Row Color Users can now change the row color of a task to highlight or for grouping. Color is changed by right clicking to display the context menu and then selecting the desired color.  
    Language Localization for Task Status Users with admin access can now define local language values for task statuses, which appear in the Status picklist within the app.  
    Permission Picklist for Collaborators Users can now easily update permissions for existing collaborators by simply selecting another value from a Permission picklist.  
    External Collaborators can update the Status of their Tasks External Collaborators (non-Salesforce Users) can now update the status of their tasks by clicking on the My Tasks Icon and updating the Status Value.  
    New Project Task Notification for Contacts When enabled, the feature automatically sends a notification email to a contact when a new project task is assigned to them. This feature is enabled via the Inspire Planner Settings tab.  
    New Admin Settings Page Admin users can now manage app configurations by accessing the Inspire Planner Settings tab.  
    New Priority Field for Project Task A new Priority Field has been added as a column in Project Task, which is set to be visible by default. This field is mapped to the Salesforce Task Priority Field. Also, the Category column is hidden by default.  
    New Start Date for Salesforce Tasks Since Salesforce Tasks only contain a Due Date, enabling this feature allows users to map the Project Task Start Date to a custom Start Date field within Salesforce Tasks. This feature can be enabled via the Inspire Planner Settings tab.  





    Impact/Action Needed

    Enhanced Locking Functionality Project Locking is invoked when the app detects an editor has made an update in the Project, but checks to ensure no other user has locked the Project prior to making the edit. If the Project is locked, the app prompts and error to the user attempting to edit, and will have to wait until the Project is unlocked before making changes.  
    Performance Updates A variety of improvements have been implemented to enhance the performance of Inspire Planner.  
    Columns to Print now display checkboxes Columns to print now displays checkboxes.  
    Modified Labels Project Chatter Icon mouse-over text has been modified from "View Project Detail" to "Chatter Discussion for Project". The Undo Icon from "Undo" to "Undo Action", and the Redo Icon from "Repeat" to "Redo Action".  

    Resolved Issues




    Impact/Action Needed

    Saving user preferences now includes Gantt Zoom Setting When saving user preferences, the save now includes the Gantt Zoom Setting  
    File Attachments with related comments now activates Chatter Icon File uploads via Chatter with related comments now activates the Chatter Icon.  
    Gantt Chart Print Issues Resolved an issue with printing the Gantt Chart  
    Project Tasks now visible when there are columns with active filters Project Tasks are now visible when a Project with a column filter active is opened.  
    Vertical Bar disappearing The vertical scroll bar no longer disappears when a user hides the Gantt Chart or when a user clicks the Collapse All icon on the left pane.  
    Keyboard shortcut for cut (CTRL + X) produces error The keyboard short for cut (CTRL + X) previously resulted an error. This keyboard shortcut is now disabled which prevents the error message.  



    Release Notes

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