Dynamic Portfolios

    What is a Dynamic Portfolio?

    Dynamic Portfolios leverage the power of Salesforce list views to dynamically filter and update portfolios, eliminating the need for manual updates. When a Project list view is associated with a portfolio, any project records that meet the list view criteria, are reflected in the portfolio in real-time. This ensures that portfolios always present the most up-to-date information based on the selected Project list view.


    To enable Dynamic Portfolios in your Salesforce org, please see Admin Guide - Enable Dynamic Portfolios.


    For more information on how to create List Views in Salesforce, please see Create and Customize List Views.


    Please note the following:


    • Dynamic Portfolios are only available in Portfolio LWC and is not available in legacy.
    • You cannot toggle between Static and Dynamic Portfolios. You specify whether the portfolio is dynamic or not when creating the portfolio and this cannot be changed after the portfolio is created. 
    • If a user does not have access to the list view selected for a portfolio, the user will see a message onscreen letting them know that they do not have access to the list view. It is best practice to check first if the user you are adding as a portfolio collaborator has access to the project list view.
    • The projects that meet the list view criteria are what display in the portfolio. If the list view criteria are subsequently modified or if there are new projects that meet the list view criteria, any dynamic portfolio that uses the list view will automatically update to display projects that meet the list view criteria. This also means that any projects that no longer meet the list view criteria will no longer display.
    • When you add a user as a Portfolio Collaborator, the user only sees the Projects he/she has access to.
    • Due to the nature of dynamic portfolios using list views, it is not possible to report on projects contained in a dynamic portfolio. If you would like to create a report that includes the projects contained in a dynamic portfolio, we recommend using the same criteria used by the project list view.
    • By default, projects in a dynamic portfolio will display in the same order they appear in the project list view. However, if you sort the projects in a dynamic portfolio using any of the column headings, this sort order is saved as part of your user preferences. This means that the next time you go back to the same portfolio, it will sort the projects according to your sort preference. This also means that you cannot manually re-order rows via drag and drop.
    • It is not possible to change the row colors within a dynamic portfolio.
    • When a user is added as a collaborator on a dynamic portfolio, the user is only granted access to the portfolio record itself. This means that if the user does not have access to the project list view or the projects contained within the list view, the portfolio collaborator will not be able to see the project list view nor will he/she be able to see the projects he/she does not have access to.



    How to Create a Dynamic Portfolio

    This section shows you how to create a Dynamic Portfolio.


    1. In Portfolios, click on New.

    2. Populate the details of the portfolio and set "Is Dynamic" to TRUE. Click on Save.

    3. A new portfolio record is created and will open onscreen. Notice that the "Dynamic Portfolio" icon is highlighted in the top right corner. This means that the portfolio is a dynamic portfolio.

    4. To add projects, click on the + Add Project Icon.

    5. Dynamic portfolios use list views so when you click on the + Add Project icon, it opens a dialogue box that allows you to select a project list view. Select a project list view and click on Save.

    6. The portfolio will automatically refresh to display the projects that meet the list view criteria.

      Please note the following:
      You will only see the projects you have access to. Even if a specific project meets the list view criteria, but you do not have access to the project, you will not be able to see the project in the portfolio. This is consistent with what you see when you go to the project list view in the project tab. This means that if you have access to 10 projects and another user only has access to 5, when you open the portfolio, you will see the 10 projects you have access to, but the other user will only see the 5 he/she has access to.

      If the project list view criteria are adjusted, or if a project no longer meets the list view criteria, the project will no longer display within the portfolio.

      The projects are displayed in the same order that they are sorted within the project list view. However, if you sort the projects using any of the column headings within the portfolio, it will save your sort order as part of your user preferences on the portfolio. This means it will follow this sort order every time you go back to the portfolio. This also means that you cannot manually re-order rows via drag and drop.


    How to change the List View in Use

    You can always change the project list view used in a Dynamic portfolio. This section will show you how.


    1. Click on the + Add Projects icon.

    2. Select a different list view and click on Save.




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