Map Inspire Task Start Date to a Custom Salesforce Task Field

    By default, Inspire Planner comes with a Start Date field that has already been mapped. However, if preferred, you can map the Inspire Planner Project Task Start Date to a custom field within the native Salesforce Task object. You can do so via the Inspire Planner Settings page.

    This help article will walk you through how to create a new custom field for the native Salesforce Task object and map the Inspire Planner Project Task Start Date to it.


    Create a new Custom Field

    If you would like to create a new custom field within the native Salesforce Task object, see Salesforce: Create Custom Fields.

    If you already have an existing custom field that you would like to map the Inspire Planner Project Task Start Date to, then you don't need to create a new custom field.


    Inspire Planner Settings 

    The Inspire Planner Settings page allows you to then select which field on the native Salesforce Task object the Inspire Planner Project Task Start Date field should be mapped to.



    In Salesforce Lightning

    This section will walk you through how to access the Inspire Planner Settings page in Salesforce Lightning environment.


    1. Click on the App Launcher at the top left corner.

    2. Enter "settings" in the search box and click on Inspire Planner Settings under All Items.

    3. Within the Inspire Planner Settings Page, look for "Enable Start Date for Salesforce Tasks" and toggle the button on the right to enable the setting.

    4. Next, select which date field within the Salesforce Task object you would like to map the Inspire Planner Project Task Start Date field to. The picklist will display all date fields within the Salesforce Task object. Then, click the Save button beside it.


    In Salesforce Classic

    This section will walk you through how to access the Inspire Planner Settings page in Salesforce Classic environment.


    1. Click on the + at the end of the Tab ribbon to see all tabs.

    2. From the list of All Tabs, locate Inspire Planner Settings and click on it.

    3. Within the Inspire Planner Settings Page, look for "Enable Start Date for Salesforce Tasks" and toggle the button on the right to enable the setting.

    4. Next, select which date field within the Salesforce Task object you would like to map the Inspire Planner Project Task Start Date field to. The picklist will display all date fields within the Salesforce Task object. Then, click the Save button beside it.


    Inspire Planner Project Task Start Date to Salesforce Task Field Mapping

    After you've specified your mapping preference for the Inspire Planner Project Task Start Date field within the Inspire Planner Settings page, it is going to be mapped as follows:


    Inspire Planner Project Task Start Date --> maps to the Reminder Date on Salesforce Task.

    Inspire Planner Project Task Start Date --> maps to the date field you specified within the Inspire Planner Settings page. 



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