
    Portfolios allow you to group together and view a set of projects in a single combined Gantt. Portfolios display the overall project schedule, overall project health, % completed and project milestones. Start with the video below:



    Viewing a Portfolio

    Portfolios can be found within the Portfolios Tab in the Inspire Planner App.

    By default, the page will only display Portfolios you've recently viewed. If you haven't viewed any Portfolios recently, the page will be blank.

    To view all Portfolios, select All in the View dropdown at the top left.

    To view a Portfolio, click on the Portfolio Name.


    Creating a Portfolio

    You can create as many portfolios as you need. To create a new Portfolio, go to the the Portfolios tab.


    Then click on New at the top right corner.

    Enter a Portfolio Name and Description (optional) and click on Save.

    The page will refresh and take you to the Portfolio you've just created.


    Adding Projects to a Portfolio

    After you've created a Portfolio, the next step would be to add projects to it. Click on Select Projects at the top right corner.

    Select the projects you would like to add by placing a checkmark beside them and click on Save.


    You will now see the projects you selected within the Portfolio.

    Since Portfolios are meant to provide you with the Project's overall status and schedule, you will not see the project tasks listed under each project. However, if you expand a project, you will see its Milestones.

    Please note: Milestones are tasks with a 0 day duration. To create milestones within a Project, set the task duration to 0 days.


    The Portfolio interface is comprised of two (2) parts - the Project List on the left and the Portfolio Gantt Chart on the right.

    To view a project, click on the Open Project icon. This will open the project in a new window.



    Removing a Project from a Portfolio

    You can remove a project(s) from the Portfolio when it is no longer needed. To do so, click on Select Projects at the top right corner.

    From the list of Projects, deselect the Project you wish to remove from the Portfolio and click on Save.

    Portfolio Gantt Chart

    Projects included in the Portfolio are automatically plotted in the Portfolio Gantt Chart based on the project's start and finish dates. 

    When you expand a project to view its Milestones, the Milestones are also plotted on the Portfolio Gantt Chart according to their schedules.

    Portfolio Gantt Chart Colors

    As you look at the Portfolio Gantt Chart, you may notice different colors. Here's what they mean:


    The default color for Project bars and Milestones. Gray represents the portion of the project that has not been completed. When a Milestone is gray, it means that the milestone has not been reached and has not passed its Finish Date.



    The Project bar displays what percent of the entire project is complete in green. Milestones that have been completed also appear in green.


    When a Milestone is overdue, meaning that the finish date has passed and it has not been completed, then it appears in red.



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