Filters let you sort out data that you want or don’t want to see, creating a new temporary list in the process but without modifying the original list. The original data is still available when the filter is disabled.
Filters of the Project Task List columns are explained below.
Duration Filters
Filters for Duration use numbers that are greater than, less than, or equal to the number of days or hours of a task.
For instance, you want to sort a list of all tasks that has duration of over 20, whether days or hours, enter “20” in the Greater Than field as a filter for Duration. The resulting list under Duation below shows days and hours that are above 20.
It is logical to deduce that the principal Documentation and Training task of 17 days is not included in the filter list. It expanded to show its subtasks that correspond with the filter.
Note: The column is filtered if the header is italicized.
Start and Finish Filters
The Start and Finish columns use Before, After, and On filter options.
Clicking on a filter option opens the calendar where you select a date. The current date, February 25, 2017 (Today), is highlighted.
For instance, you want sort a list that shows tasks and subtasks that started before February 24, 2017. Select the Before filter option under the Start column, and click on February 24 on the 2017 calendar. Image below displays a resulting list of tasks and subtasks that started before February 24, 2017. For the first two principal tasks (Project Kick-Off and Requirements Gathering), all subtasks started before February 24. For the third principal task (System Implementation), since only one subtask started before February 24, the list is expanded to show it, and the other subtasks that do not correspond with the filter are hidden.
Predecessors Filter
To sort the Predecessors column, filter by entering a task number in the appropriate text box. For multiple predecessors, use semi-colons to separate task numbers.
For instance, you want to sort a list with a task that has a Predecessor of task 10, enter “10” in the text box, and the list filters to one entry with a Predecessor of 10.
For instance, you want to sort a list with multiple predecessors, enter “4” followed by a semi-colon, then “2”, then a semi-colon, and “19”. There are no spaces in between. The resulting list shows three entries with Predecessors of 4, 2, and 19.
Assigned To Filters
The filter list shows users and contacts currently in the Assigned To column. You only have to tick the checkbox of the corresponding resource to get a list of all his or her assigned tasks and subtasks.
Note: Selecting <<blank>> should only display tasks that are not assigned to anyone. This allows project managers to see which tasks they still need to assign.
Status Filters
Filters of the Status column are according to the phase of the task, such as Not Started, In Progress, and Completed, among others. Just tick on the appropriate checkbox to sort the resulting list according to your selection.
Note: Selecting <<blank>> should only display tasks that have no status yet. This allows project managers to see which tasks still need statuses.
%Complete Filters
Filters of the %Complete column sorts according to the percentage of completion of the task. Enter numbers in the Greater Than, Less Than, or Equal To fields.
For instance, if you want to sort a list of all completed tasks, enter “100” in the Equals To field, and the results show a filtered list of completed tasks.
Category Filters
Filter for the Category column is a generic attribute field that allows customers to define their own values, and customize according to categories relevant to their organization. By default, we have Billable and Non-Billable.
Filter for this column works similar to the others, by clicking the appropriate checkbox, resulting list sorts according to your selection.