Portfolio Lightning Web Component (LWC)

    Last Modified On: January 6, 2025


    Portfolios allow you to group projects together and get a high-level overview of each project. Portfolios also plot each project in a single combined Gantt so you can see how they overlap within a time frame. Portfolios display each project's duration, start and finish date, progress (% complete), and project health (KPIs). If there are parent tasks or milestones in the project, you can choose to see either parent tasks or milestone tasks under each project.


    There are two (2) types of Portfolio in Inspire Planner - Static Portfolio and Dynamic Portfolio. Static portfolios allow you to choose which projects are included in the portfolio. Dynamic Portfolios leverage list views and automatically include/exclude projects based on the list view filters. Dynamic portfolios are ideal for when you want projects to automatically be included in a portfolio when they meet specific criteria.


    How to View a Portfolio

    Portfolios can be found within the Portfolios Tab in the Inspire Planner App.

    By default, the page will only display portfolios you've recently viewed. If you haven't viewed any portfolios recently, the page will be blank.

    To view all portfolios, select All in the View picklist in the top left.

    Please note:
    The default sharing setting for portfolios is private. This means that the portfolio is only visible to the portfolio owner. If you select "All" to view all portfolios, it will only display the portfolios you have access to. 

    To view a Portfolio, click on the Portfolio Name.


    How to Create a Static Portfolio

    Static portfolios allow you to choose which projects to include or remove from the portfolio.


    1. To create a new static portfolio, go to the Portfolios tab.

    2. Click on New in the top right corner.

    3. Enter a Portfolio Name and Description (optional). Leave "Is Dynamic" FALSE. This will create a static portfolio. Then, click on Save.

    4. The page will refresh and take you to the Portfolio you've just created.


    How to Add Projects to a Static Portfolio

    After you've created a static portfolio, the next step would be to add projects to it.

    1. Click on the Add Projects icon in the top right corner.

    2. A dialogue window will be displayed. It will show your recently viewed projects, sorted by project name. You can sort projects using any of the column headings.

      You can search for projects by entering the project name in the search box and clicking on the Search button or by pressing the enter key.

      Project templates are excluded from both the default project list and search results. To see project templates, set "Exclude Template" to FALSE.

    3. To add a project to the portfolio, simply select the project. You can select multiple projects. Then, click on Add.

    4. The projects you added will be displayed in the box below, labeled "Projects in portfolio". You can keep searching and adding projects. When you are finished, click on Save.

    5. The page will automatically refresh and display the projects you added to the portfolio.


    How to Remove Projects from a Static Portfolio

    Projects in a static portfolio are not automatically removed even if the project is complete or canceled. To remove a project, it must be done manually.


    1. In the portfolio, click on the Add Projects icon.

    2. De-select the project(s) you would like to remove from the portfolio. Then, click on Save.


    How to Create a Dynamic Portfolio

    Dynamic Portfolios leverage list views and automatically include/exclude projects based on the list view filters. Dynamic portfolios are ideal for when you want projects to automatically be included in a portfolio when they meet specific criteria.


    For more information on how to create and edit dynamic portfolios, please see Dynamic Portfolios.


    Navigating within the Portfolio LWC

    The interface is the same for both static and dynamic portfolios. The portfolio UI is divided into two (2) main sections - the project list and the Gantt chart.



    You can sort projects in the project list using any of the column headings. Simply click on a column heading to sort records in ascending order and click again to sort in descending order.


    You can re-order column headings via drag and drop. 



    You can also choose which columns are displayed or hidden. Right-click on any column heading and then go to Columns.



    When you make adjustments to the portfolio columns, Inspire Planner automatically creates a user portfolio settings record for you, for the portfolio. Your viewing preferences are automatically saved into your user portfolio settings record. This means that every time you open the same portfolio, it will display according to your personal preferences. A user portfolio settings record is created for each user who makes adjustments to the portfolio view settings, which means that it will display according to each user's preferences.



    View Milestone Tasks vs Parent Tasks

    By default, only milestone tasks are displayed under a project when it is expanded. However, you can choose between milestone tasks and parent tasks. 


    To choose between milestone tasks and parent tasks, use the view picklist on top of the portfolio. 



    Your view preference is also saved as part of your user portfolio settings. This means that if you select parent tasks, the next time you open the portfolio, it will display parent tasks.


    Re-order Rows and Change Row Colors

    You can re-order project rows via drag and drop, and change the row color for projects.


    Please note:

    • The ability to re-order rows and change row color is only available in static portfolios. Since dynamic portfolios use list views, the ability to re-order rows and change row color is disabled.
    • You can only re-order and change the color of project rows. You cannot re-order or change the row color of milestone tasks or parent tasks.


    To re-order project rows, simply drag and drop the row to your desired location.



    To change the row color, right-click on the row and choose a color from the color picker.



    The row order and colors are saved as part of the portfolio and will be displayed the same way for all users who view the portfolio.



    Open and Edit Projects from the Portfolio

    You can easily navigate to a project by clicking on the Open Project icon to the left of the project. This will open the project in a new tab in your browser.



    To edit project fields, click on the Edit Project icon to the left of the project.


    Please note:

    You must have editing permissions for the portfolio, and also editing permissions for the project to be able to edit project fields from the portfolio. If you have editing permissions for the project but not the portfolio, the edit project icon will not display. Likewise, if you have editing permissions for the portfolio but not the project, then the edit project icon will also not be displayed.


    If you have editing permissions for the portfolio and editing permissions to only some projects in the portfolio, then the edit project icon will only be displayed for the projects you have editing permissions for.



    A dialogue window will be displayed where you can edit project fields. Remember to save your changes when finished.



    For the projects you have editing permissions for, you can also perform an in-line edit. Simply double-click on the field to edit values. When you click out of the field, it automatically saves you changes.



    Search for Projects or Tasks in a Portfolio

    You can search for a project or a task (milestone or parent task) in a portfolio. 


    Enter the project or task name in the search box on top. Inspire Planner will return projects and/or tasks that contain your search word.


    Please note:

    When searching for tasks, it will return matching tasks based on your view preference. This means that if milestone tasks are what are displayed, then it searches for your search word in the milestone tasks only. If you would like to search for parent tasks, you will need to first adjust your view to parent tasks.



    Colors and Their Meaning

    The text and Gantt chart bars and icons are displayed in different colors based on the status of the project, parent task or milestone task, and whether the project, parent task, or milestone task is overdue.


    • Red - the text, project/task bar and milestone are displayed in red when it is overdue.

    • Green - the text, project/task bar and milestone are displayed in green when it is complete.

    • Blue - the project/task bar and milestone are displayed in blue when it is in progress and is not overdue.



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